What should I wear to class?

Just wear whatever you feel comfy moving in! It can be worth wearing a couple of layers in winter so you can stay warm and strip off as you need.

Do i need to bring anything?

A water bottle is a good idea, but that’s it!

I’ve never even tried to do the splits before, can i still come along?

You absolutely can! I don’t assume any previous training, and am happy to offer progressions or regressions for all exercises so that everyone can get the most out of them.

I’m hyper-mobile, is it safe for me to train flexibility?

As someone who is also hyper-mobile, I understand personally the risk that flexibility training can bring. That’s a large reason why I put so much emphasis on active flexibility in Splits Club - to help support the development of strong, safe, stable splits.

I have an existing injury, will it still be ok to train?

Probably - I’m always happy to work with you and your body so that you can get the most out of class, and work on your flexibility safely. But if you have any concerns you’re welcome to contact me and we can have a chat about how much impact a particular injury might have on the exercises we have planned.